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Meet Our

Y O G A  T E A C H E R S 

Yoga Instructor Krista Cooper

Krista Cooper - Founder of Kula Wellness & Yoga Teacher



With her Master's in Holistic Counseling Psychology and her 500-RYT certification, Krista enjoys implementing Movement and Somatic Flows into her yoga practice. She lived in California from 2014-2021 and has recently moved back to her beach life in the Sunshine State, Florida.
Krista found the healing energy of yoga during a rough time in her life. During her life transition, she fell in love with the transformative powers of the practice and became curious to learn more. Through yoga, she was able to heal from the inside out and outside in. This transformation led Krista to California to complete her Master's in Counseling Psychology at JFKU, followed by completing her 500-RYT with High Vibe Yoga and Awakening Yoga Academy. She now brings yoga to her therapy practice and inspires her yoga students to look deeper within their practice.

Yoga Instructor Justin Cooper

Justin Cooper - Founder of Kula Wellness & Yoga Teacher



Justin is a health and fitness coach who helps his clients connect the mind and body. He is a practitioner of integrative holistic wellness, a NASM certified personal trainer, Precision Nutrition Coach, a 200 HR registered yoga teacher, and has his BA in neuroscience. 

His classes offer a unique blend of strength and restoration with a focus on structural and anatomical cuing.  Yoga is a practice that trains your mind’s focus and awareness. It helps you accept the things you cannot change and gives you the courage to change the things you can.


4300 Kings Hwy Unit 207

Port Charlotte, Florida 33980

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